Social Events
CercleS General Meeting
Attendance: The General Meeting shall consist of all members of the Association. These include institutional (language centre members of the 13 National Associations that have paid their subscription), associate, honorary and benefactor members.
Voting: Institutional members and associate members have one vote per member present. Honorary members and benefactor members do not have voting rights.
Time: 9 September, 17:30 – 18:30
Place: Masaryk University building at Komenského náměstí 2, floor 2, room 300 // participation via Zoom (address to be communicated)
CercleS Focus Group Meetings
Focus Group (FG) meetings are organised by CercleS members involved in these groups. The FG meetings will take place at the times chosen by FG members in the rooms of the conference venue. Conference participants are free to attend any FG meeting they choose. Please, check the conference website for further details or ask at the information desk. The current FGs include:
FG Associate Members
FG Autonomy
FG Conference and Event Management
FG CLIL in Higher Education
FG Language Policy
FG Language Testing and Assessment
FG Language for Specific Purposes
FG Management and Leadership
FG Multilingualism
FG Teacher Training, Teacher Education, Staff Exchange
FG Translation
CASALC CZ 20th Anniversary Meeting
This event is a short gathering of CASALC CZ members during the Thursday Conference Welcome Drink to commemorate the association’s twenty years of common work, mutual inspiration, great collaboration and fantastic fun. We will also have the pleasure to meet the Honorary Members of CASALC CZ.
Členové CASALC CZ jsou srdečně zváni ke krátkému setkání během čtvrtečního přípitku k zahájení conference, aby si připomněli a oslavili 20 let existence této asociace, díky níž mezi sebou mohou rozvíjet skvělou spolupráci a vzájemně se inspirovat. Rovněž budeme mít potěšení udělit čestné členství zasloužilým členkám CASALC CZ.
Sports Activities
Following the great success of the Poznan CercleS Conference sports activities, participants are invited to join a sport session on Thursday, Friday and/or Saturday morning from 8:00 to 8.30. The meeting point for this activity in person is in front of the Conference Building. The activity includes jogging and stretching in the largest park in Brno, located on the Špilberk Castle Hill. A link to the virtual sport session with a coach will be accessible online.
Conference Welcome Reception
The conference organisers invite all participants to attend the CercleS2020 Welcome Reception in the Conference Building Lobby on Thursday, 10 September at 19:00, where you will have an opportunity to chat with colleagues, meet new people and enjoy live music. A short event commemorating the 20th Anniversary of CASALC CZ will be held during the Reception. Drinks and canapés will be served. Virtual participants are invited to join the audio-visual portion of the Reception in real time.
Conference Dinner
The Conference Dinner will be held at the Špilberk Castle Restaurant near the conference venue on Friday, 11 September at 19.30. It offers conference participants an excellent chance to enjoy delicious food in a relaxed setting while getting to know each other and making new connections outside the main conference environment.
This is a ticketed event and there are a limited number of places, so please book early to avoid disappointment. Extra tickets may be purchased for guests if desired. For more information, please, contact the information desk in the conference lobby.
Here you can have a virtual tour of the Špilberk Castle and Špilberk Castle Restaurant: Virtual tour.
Ausflug nach der Konferenz
Im Anschluss an die Konferenz können Sie sich für ein noch intensiveres Konferenzerlebnis einem Ausflug nach Lednice anschließen.
Lednice ist ein Dorf in der malerischen Weinregion Südmährens mit einem neugotischen herrschaftlichen Anwesen der Familie Lichtenstein und dem größten Park des Landes mit einer Fläche von 200 km2. Neben dem 60m hohen Minarett, das zum Zeitpunkt seines Baus (Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts) das vermeintlich höchste Minarett außerhalb der muslimischen Welt war, gibt es dort auch ein berühmtes Gewächshaus und Ruinen von Gebäuden aus der Renaissance und Gotik. Lednice wurde 1996 in die Liste des UNESCO-Weltkulturerbes aufgenommen und ist eines der sehenswertesten Orte in der Tschechischen Republik.